OUTSIDE Stories : Telling Tales – Flash 22-24 May

An OUTSIDE Stories Exchange project

The Magic Lantern

Connecting communities, landscapes and myths

Flash Village Hall, 22nd/23rd/24th May 2023

Storyteller Ian Douglas telling tales

Telling Tales at Flash 22/23/24 May 2023

The first OUTSIDE Stories exchange project!

Storyteller Ian Douglas and shadow puppeteer Jo Douglas will research local myths and legends and arrive at Flash Village Hall with a selection of local tales to tell.

Over the course of three days, Ian and Jo will perform and facilitate workshops encouraging local people to tell their own tales about their community. Ian and Jo will then weave these narrative threads into a new tale to perform back to the village residents in a storytelling finale.

  • Monday 22nd May 7pm : Ian & Jo perform x2 40 minute stories
  • Tuesday 23rd May : drop-in sessions to share your stories
  • Wednesday 24th May 6pm : Ian & Jo perform their woven story from the myths and legends told to them

Contact Flash Village Hall by email at flashvillagehall@gmail.com or via their Facebook page if you would like to attend.