Longnor Open Callout

Paid Learning For Creatives

Two People Gardening

Longnor Open callout – paid learning opportunity for creatives (all disciplines, Staffordshire
Moorlands based) – opportunity to develop your creative practice working with socially engaged
artist, Lowri Evans.


OUTSIDE has partnered with Longnor Action Group (a local community group)
and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council to develop a creative project and
programme which aims to tackle rural isolation and loneliness in Longnor.

The project will bring on board as many of the residents and members of the
community, to work together as a whole village to deliver a creative programme and
structure that will support those who feel lonely and to help prevent loneliness. The
project will be weaved into village life, through its transport links, street furniture, local
amenities such as shops and cafes, and the village calendar of events. It will include
inspirational visits to other places, creative workshops, local walks, garden parties and
gardening sessions.

The project will run from the New Year and culminate in Longnor Open Gardens in June

We are looking for artists who are looking to develop their practice to include socially
engaged skills, to learn alongside Lead Artist – Lowri Evans

The opportunity will include:
• Site visits and a session with Lowri to talk about her practice, the project and how
your practice can be developed in the process of the project (3rd Feb).
• Attending inspirational visits (at least 2) with members of the local community to
other places to feed into creative ideas for Longnor Open Gardens (26th Feb, 1st
March, 5th March and 8th March).
• Developing idea/s for element/s of a garden kit to be provided for all households in
• And/or developing ideas for interventions at the launch event of Longnor Open (tbc
28th March) – an event to introduce the garden kits and get the community gardening
in preparation for Longnor Open Gardens in June 2025..
• Possible commission opportunity for phase 2 of the project to support the community
in the creation of the gardens April – June 2025.


Budget: 5 days @ £200 per day and additional materials budget for kit ideas and event


We are looking for practitioners who have a passion for working with people.
Please apply by emailing diana.hamilton@outsidearts.org with a short paragraph
describing why you are applying and a short sentence about your practice.
We would also like you to answer this question – If you were putting something in a Garden kit where
every household in the village will receive a kit to participate in Longnor Open Gardens
– what would it be? In a couple of lines, it might reflect your practice in someway – be as
practical or imaginative as you like!


Responses by midnight Sunday 26th Jan – we are shortlisting on 30th Jan with the aim
to let you know by the 31st Jan. We would like to bring 2 practitioners onboard in this


For more information about the Longnor Open project: Longnor Open – Nov 2024-Jun 2025 – OUTSIDE